11 months. wow is all i have to say!
-says mama more than anything
-loves anything to do with kids
-loves toast with butter, black beans, basically any big people food
-finally doing a real crawl.
-getting teeth # 5 and 6
-saw the beach for the first time, and did great on her first big road trip, despite her terrible ear infection
-getting quite the personality
-she's a monster!!!!!! no not really, she's just in to everything!
-is finally on a schedule! thanks to being in daycare 2 days a week. she actually loves it
-wakes up 5 or 6 times a night. i know right? what the heck. i'm more tired now than when she was a newborn. not sure what this phase is all about.
-still loves to read books.
-likes to stand up next to our coffee table and couch
-18 month clothes, size 3 diapers, weighing somewhere between 17 and 18 lbs.
-i've heard mommies say this all the time and it's true... each stage is more and more fun!!!!