Monday, April 27, 2009

big news

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!! i seriously could not be more shocked. I just "knew" it was a boy! that's how i pictured it the entire time!!! don't get me wrong i'm not disappointed in any way, i just have to change how i pictured everything. i saw her today on the ultrasound she is so cute. i think she will look just like her mommy. this will be the first grandaughter out of 6 on the dodge side, and girls are scarce on the wittwer side too so this is very exciting. i am so excited to go buy cute girl clothes and make flower bows for her. SO SO SO HAPPY is how i feel. the end


J & L said...

yay!!!! we are so excited for our little niece!!!! can't wait to meet her! love you guys!

Hadley's said...

A girl will be so much fun! We are excited for you both.

The Calico Crew said...

Congrats you two..or is it three!? Girls are definitely fun... at least when they're babies.

Matt and Cori said...

I am so excited for you guys! A little girl is going to be so much fun!

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...


The Atkinson Family Blog said...

How exciting! I voted a girl!! You will have such a blast with her!! Congrats

Jewels said...

Aww, congrats!!! Girls are so much fun..and it's nice to have a girl first cause then you have a "built in babysitter" for the rest! :)

The Cuffs said...

Ohhhh Nikell I am so excited for you! GIRLS ARE A BLAST to say the least, and start saving for the sad budgets youhave to force yourself to be on when it comes to all the cute girl stuff there is to buy. Damien is always cracking up about how much stuff I buy Azlynn. It's hard to find really cute stuff for boys, but for girls there seems to be LOADS and LOADS! It's so fun to have a little sidekick as well! Congrats!