Tuesday, April 14, 2009

this is getting REALLY old!

ok. so as a lot of you know, i apparantly look like i'm 15. i'm almost 23. LITERALLY at least once a day i have someone ask how old i am and when i tell them they laugh and say i thought you were about 15! do people not realize that that is rude? that would be like me telling someone they are fat. sometimes there are things you just don't say. what's even worse is when people just innocently assume that you are 15. like today at the dentist (i had to get a pyogenic granuloma/pregnancy tumor lazered and cauterized from my gums which SUCKED) the receptionist hands ashton a parental guardian form to sign for me. ummm no this is my husband not my dad and i'm 22 i can sign it myself thanks. also trying to play any "games" in vegas is out of the question. i once had a guy look and my ID and then take it to his manager to make sure it wasn't fake. in the end he wouldn't even let me play the game. i am not sure what i can do to fix this. i have tried a darker hair color, shorter hair, and more makeup. nothing works. my next move is to get rid of all my teenage hollister and aeropostal shirts and wear only "grown up clothes" so i guess what this blog is all about it any advice on what to do to make myself look older. and please don't say i should be greatful to look young or someday i will appreciate it :) i have heard those all before. wow this blog looks like the rantings of a grouchy pregnant lady! right on


Analee said...

I know how you feel! I get it all the time too! And the only think you can really do is smile at them awkwardly and say "Thanks?"

I finally cut bangs, like short straight across bangs, it's helped a little, I still get the remarks but not as often as I used to!

Laurie said...

Don't worry about it girl, in about 4 1/2 months you'll have some great mom hips to show your age!!! Believe me they are great! NOT!! But you are probably right for now get rid of the teenage clothes! On a side note, I don't think you look 15!

akamoroti said...

Nikell, I think you look at least 16. That 15 stuff is way outta line. Anyway, I've been in your situation of underestimating age, and something I do to make me look older is grow a beard. That probably doesn't help much, sorry that's all I got.

The Calico Crew said...

I know you don't want to hear it but at least people don't think you're older than you are? I think you just need to have that baby--even though it's not going to make YOU have mom hips (I don't see them on your mom so I'm assuming you won't have them either). I was really thinking that maybe you'd gone in for an ultrasound early and I was going to be reading the sex of that baby but I'll take the rantings of a prego girl instead? :)

Anonymous said...

Ok I think I solved your problem. You need to cut your hair really short like the beehive haircut. You can only wear clothes from the grandma section. You also need to smell funky. No more cute high heels, stick to flats especially with tassels. Then I think people will stop asking if you're 15.

I'm totally kidding, but it would be funny to see that. I know what you mean about clothes though. I'm not sure if I should still buy from the junior section either. I still do I just don't buy the way trendy things. Maybe that will help. Good Luck! :D

Matt and Cori said...

Your right, that would get old. I just don't get how people really think you're that young and can actually mistake Ashton for you dad. Seriously!? Anyways, when your carrying around a baby in a few months, I think that'll help. And I like the clothes idea, I think that'd help too.

The Cuffs said...

No one can better sympathize than myself girl...SERIOUSLY everyday for me too, wedding rings and two kids and all...15! Damien and I just stopped at the roulette table on our way to our movie and two ladies were asking how old I was, neighbor last week said I looked like I was 12, and every where else I go...I get it all of the time. When you have a kid it doesn't help people just think you have the baby at 15 or in my case since Jaden is 4 they think I had him at 11 or 12! Dame worries that people think he is a pedifile when I forget to wear my wedding ring! Nothing we can do right now, but seriously do take it into account when everyone else our age looks our age at 40 we will look like some hot 20 yrolds and how happy will that make our hubby's!!! Granted people will never believe we have kids on missions and what not, but hey who's going to lie about their age and say they're older! And yes the grouchiness overddramatized is definitely prego, last baby I was a beast!

The Cuffs said...

Oh and I get that I am the sister all of the time too! I went to pick up Jaden from nursery at my mother in laws ward..."Jaden your sisters here!" Yeah I'm the mom thank you! And also in Vegas 22 with two kids still doesn't look all that great! Then I mention Im from Utah and they're a bit more understanding. But Im with you, why the heck do people even care, and yeah have some tact! It's annoying I know but I've learned to let it roll off my back...what else can we do! I get it more with kids too girl, I didn't want to lie and say the kid will help...but I must say I haven't had that happen at any tables, or at the denist and I would be fuming as well!

Burke and Teresa said...

That is so funny Nikell! I had a similar thing happen to me the other day! Hopefully we will enjoy it when we get older and people think we are younger then we actually we are!!