Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6 months


i am so excited that i am at the end of the sixth month. do you know what this means?!?!? i am in the third and final trimester! yay! i can't wait to meet this little baby and 3 months seems so far away and also so little time when it's the end of my life as i know it! we are thinking sophie lyn dodge for her name, but no guarantees until it's written on the birth certificate cuz we all know how i like to change my mind. i like it because sophie means wisdom and i hope she'll have a lot of that! we are having tons of fun buying and painting stuff for the nursery, and most fun of all buying little girl clothes. this girl will be spoiled! here is my 27 week pic.


Jessica and Justin said...

I can't believe you are already in your 3rd trimester. That's crazy. She'll be here before you know it.

The Calico Crew said...

I think your little belly is super cute!

Jeremy and Kim Laidlaw said...

i like sophie a lot. cute cute.