Thursday, November 20, 2008


What is your husband’s name? Ashton!
How long have you been married? december 29 will be a year!! can't believe it!
How long did you date? a LONG TIME, four years, can you believe it took me that long to convince him?
How old is he? 28, i like older men :)
Who eats sweets? ashton loves candy! and so do i
Who said I love you first? ashton :)
Who is taller? ashton
Who can sing best? ashton has an amazing voice!
Who is smarter? i'm smarter at school ashton is smarter at life
Who does the laundry? both of us, but mostly me
Who pays the bills? ashton makes the money, i write out the checks
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me
Who mows the lawn? we don't have a lawn to mow :(
Who cooks dinner? me, but ashton always helps me
Who drives? ashton
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? neither one of us are ever wrong......
Who kissed who first? ashton kissed me, needless to say, it was amazing and we hung out every day since it occurred
Who asked who out first? technically ashton and i never even dated, we never became "official" we just hung out for four years then got married
Who wears the pants? me, but ashton is so laid back it doesn't even matter
i just want to end by saying sorry to the rest of you cuz i have the best husband in the world!!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so I love your little end note! cute! No I dont have any pics back yet ill let you know when i get them! maybe I could e-mail you some (thats only of they turn out he he)