Friday, December 18, 2009

one crazy year

THE BEST PART OF 2009!!!!! see picture above
i can't believe that it was one year ago today that i swapped chromosomes with ashton (yes i know the exact day and time) but i didn't find out until january 6 :) it has been an amazing/crazy/scary/exciting year. let me tell you it was scary being pregnant and having your husband run out of work a month after you find out, and then me only having a job that pays 9.45$/hr blah! but we pulled through and we have a beautiful little baby girl, and STILL have a bit of money left. oh the blessings of paying your tithing! we never even had to touch my lifetime savings account. i have no idea how we did it, but i am so happy! i may not be rich, but i get to stay home with my little girl, which is the best and rewarding job in the world! i have an awesome husband who works so hard for our little family! i really know that money isn't what makes you happy all you need is love! haha so cheesy, but could not be more true! anyway i just thought i needed to make a post since it was a year ago since i got pregnant. i thought graduating college made me feel cool, which i also did a year ago because i got pregnant the day i graduated, but being a mommy???? that was way more cool! i am so greatful for my inlaws for letting us live in their basement. i know they probably don't like it at times, but they would never complain and if they didn't let us live here i have no clue where we would be right now. i am also thankful for my parents, i know they would do anything in the world for us. and i am thankful for my challenges that i've had this year, they only make ya stronger. it's been a great year! i hope 2010 is just as fun and crazy! (but hopefully doesn't involve me being pregnant hahahhaa) bring it on

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